August 2019 Announcements
Upcoming Events 08/09 (Fri.) - 4:00 - 6:00 pm Center-wide BBQ Picnic at Cuesta Park, 615 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View08/09 (Fri.) - Early Closure at 5:00 pm for Summer BBQ (Early…
Upcoming Events 08/09 (Fri.) - 4:00 - 6:00 pm Center-wide BBQ Picnic at Cuesta Park, 615 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View08/09 (Fri.) - Early Closure at 5:00 pm for Summer BBQ (Early…
07/10 (Wed) - ACCC Early Closure at 5 pm for staff meeting07/19 (Fri.) - Parents Night Out (Signup sheet on the lobby door) Reminder : Board Elections 2019-2020: This is the time…
Upcoming Events: 06/07-08/09 - Soccer Shots Summer Session (See the flyer for details and Sign-up)06/12 (Wed.) - ACCC Early Closure at 5 pm for staff meeting06/14 (Fri.) - Parents Night Out 6-10 pm ($40/child), Sign-up sheet…
Attached is the updated May Menu! Please disregard the version sent out on May 3rd with the May Announcements. May 2019 menuDownload
Just a friendly reminder that the board election nominee biographies are due. Please submit your biography between May 15th - May 31st to Ida Stevens at