ACCC COVID-19 Policy Updates

ACCC COVID Policy (effective 1/24/22)

The ACCC Board voted to implement the Santa Clara County Health Department (SCCHD) Guidelines for Early Education and Other Programs Serving Children or Youth (SCCHD site) Decision Tree (dated 11/8/21) with two modifications to further reduce risk. The two approved modifications are:

  1. In order for an ACCC teacher or child to safely return to ACCC after they have tested positive, they must have completed their isolation period, be symptom-free, and show proof to ACCC management that their entire household tests negative (PCR or at-home antigen). Pictures are acceptable proof.  
  2. Addition of an Antigen test on Day 3 post-exposure for teachers who are exposed, vaccinated + boosted, asymptomatic and staying at work.

Please see the ACCC COVID Policy decision tree (revision 1/24/22) which outlines the policy for what actions to take in the event of symptom onset, a close-contact, or positive test result from routine screening.

This updated policy is effective Monday, 1/24/22.

Please note, that as the pandemic environment changes and health department recommendations are revised, this policy may also change. For example, we are already aware of the 1/14/22 update on the SCCHD site. Our COVID Task-Force and BOD members will be evaluating these updated recommendations and voting on policy changes at the next Board Meeting.

ACCC Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment Form for COVID

As a part of our policy update, the ACCC Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment Form for COVID-19 has also been updated to reflect these changes.

Policy on Travel:

International Travel

For families who have traveled internationally, we are following the CDC and health department’s requirement to submit a negative COVID test for your child before returning to school. As an additional risk reduction for our community, we are requiring that families follow the CDC travel recommendations (see below).

Domestic Travel (travel outside of California and any air travel):

We are requiring that families follow the CDC travel recommendations (see below).

CDC Travel Recommendations (link) (required for ACCC):

ALL Travelers

  • Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms.

If you are NOT fully vaccinated

  • Self-quarantine and get tested with a viral test 3-5 days after returning from travel. Provide results to ACCC prior to return.
  • Stay home and self-quarantine for a full 5 days after travel.


If you or someone in your household tests positive, has symptoms, has close contact with a COVID-19 infected person, or has any other COVID concern, report it immediately to the ACCC Director and Assistant Director ( and and follow the instructions provided. When reporting, please provide all relevant information including dates of the following:
1) Onset of symptoms
2) Date of the positive test
3) Date of exposure
4) Vaccination status for all household members


Notifications will be sent out to applicable families/teachers/staff if an ACCC teacher, staff, or child is required to stay home (either due to close-contact exposure or positive test).


The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department endorses and supports the use of at-home testing for all situations in which COVID-19 tests are recommended or required for return to childcare settings. FDA-authorized antigen home tests may be used to return to childcare settings after COVID-19 exposure, quarantine, or isolation in accordance with the California Department of Public Health isolation and quarantine recommendations. There are two types of COVID testing that ideally should be used for specific situations. ACCC COVID policy allows PCR or antigen tests to be used to determine if isolation or quarantine is required.

1. PCR tests should be used when:

  • You have not tested positive for COVID in the past 90 days
  • You have a COVID symptom
  • You are individually made aware of being in close-contact with a COVID positive person

2. Antigen tests should be used when:

  • You have tested positive for COVID and want to end isolation
  • You are a close contact and want to end quarantine
  • You have tested positive for COVID in the last 90 days and have a new exposure

To help facilitate the ACCC testing requirements, ACCC is planning to offer weekly on-site COVID testing to enrolled children at ACCC and their household members. Testing will be by appointment and must be scheduled in advance – MORE DETAILS ON THIS COMING SOON

Antigen tests are available at local pharmacies and retailers and can be reimbursed by your healthcare provider. Additionally, all households can request 4 free at-home COVID-⁠19 tests from the federal government. We are also stocking some antigen kits at ACCC to address urgent needs.

Reduce Your Risk

We cannot control the number of cases in our community, but we can take steps to reduce our risk of getting and transmitting COVID.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends these steps to reduce your risk of getting and spreading COVID:

  1. Get Vaccinated – Everyone 5 or older is eligible for the vaccine. Everyone 12 or older is eligible for the booster.  Get a COVID vaccine as soon as you can.
  2. Wear a Mask – Masks should be fitted to the face without gaps and should cover both your nose and mouth.
  3. Physical Distance – Stay at least six feet away from people who do not live with you to the greatest extent possible.
  4. Avoid Crowds – Large gatherings, particularly indoors, should be avoided to the greatest extent possible.
  5. Hand Hygiene – Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Friendly Reminders

  1. Please remember to mask at all times at ACCC for pick-up and drop-off. This includes the parking lot.
  2. Please minimize time at ACCC for pick-up and drop-off. Avoid congregating at ACCC, particularly within the ACCC facility.
  3. Please be mindful that you leave a clear walking path in/out of center if you stop along the way. Remember to keep social distancing when outside as well (6 ft. apart).
  4. Please remember to sanitize your hands upon entering the ACCC lobby (there are pump bottles available).
  5. Please remember that parents/guardians are not allowed inside classrooms at this time. Wait at the door for your child or pick them up outside in playground.

COVID Task-Force
We have set up a COVID Task-Force made up of ACCC parents, BOD members, and staff members to help review the latest COVID CDC and health department recommendations and make recommendations to the Board on COVID policies. This group can be contacted at If you are interested in joining this group, please send the list an email directly.


Feedback from teachers and parents is welcome. Please provide feedback to