Hello ACCC Family,
Thank you to everyone who participated in the election, both our nominees and those who voted. We appreciate you!
Note: Due to relocation, William (Mac) McHenry has resigned his position on the board. Therefore, instead of electing to fill the 4 vacating slots, we elected a 5th to fill Mac’s position. Internally, the board will decide how to handle the potential single year term.
Below are the results of the election, presently in alphabetical order (* = incumbent, term concludes in July 2023):
2022 – 2024 ACCC Board of Directors:
Kelley Alwood*
Arlen Kam*
Ela Krepska
Brian Lewis
Jessica Marquez*William (Mac) McHenry* (due to relocation, Mac has resigned his seat.)
Elizabeth Nunez*Laura Ralston
Jon Rask
Kendall Younger

2022 – 2023 ACCC Tuition Assistance Council:
Kara Martin
Marcy McConaughey
Jessica Murray

Welcome and congratulations!
We hope that those who were not elected will consider supporting one of our many committees. We can still use your help! We are in greatest need for new leadership on our facilities and fundraising committees. Please reach out if you are willing to support either of these roles.
Jennifer Murphy
ACCC BOD Member at Large (outgoing board) / 2022 Election Chair