The Center operates on a budget whose income is supplied by tuition, grants, and fundraising. The ACCC has a balanced budget, and additional fundraising money can help purchase things that the Center could not afford. Fundraising is the source of income for the Tuition Assistance Fund. Fundraising can help replace things that need to be replaced but were not planned for in the budget.

You can help by picking or creating a fundraising event. Please work with the Fundraising Committee to organize and oversee it. You could put together fundraising activities by organizing a dinner fundraiser, volunteer to collect for a rummage sale, contact vendors for donations to the silent auction, or contact restaurants about fundraising opportunities. The committee is interested in your fundraising ideas.

Volunteer help is needed, including individual event organizers/coordinators, aspiring chefs…your talents will be greatly welcomed.

Check out our events page!

We’re also looking to extend fundraising in different and new ways; for instance, please let the fundraising chair know if your company does corporate matching for non-profits.

Please email us at
Committee Chair:

This page was last updated: 11oct2023 by tnguyen